Bhojpur District Magistrate Raj Kumar inaugurated a two day Agro Mechanization Fair organized under the State Scheme at Ramana Maidan today by lighting ceremonial candle. Officials of Agriculture department, PNB, NABARD, SCADA, Agriculture Technology Management Authority (ATMA) were present on the occasion. At least two dozen stalls related to agriculture goods were installed at the fair.

Nov 15, 2022 - 21:20
Nov 15, 2022 - 22:52
 0  810

Ara, 15 November 2022, (RNI): Bhojpur District Magistrate Raj Kumar inaugurated a two day Agro Mechanization Fair organized under the State Scheme at Ramana Maidan today by lighting ceremonial candle. Officials of Agriculture department, PNB, NABARD, SCADA, Agriculture Technology Management Authority (ATMA) were present on the occasion. At least two dozen stalls related to agriculture goods were installed at the fair.

Speaking on the occasion, Bhojpur DM Raj Kumar said that the Agro Mechanization Fair has been organized after two years for the benefit of farmers and added that the farmers needed three basic thinks, fertilizer, water and seeds besides it, they needed latest equipment. He said if farmers have all these facilities, they would not have any difficulty in farming. He stated that the district administration is trying to bring all the hand pumps and borings in working condition. He said that irrigation facilities would be sufficient till next Rabi season. He said all types of latest equipment are displayed in the fair which are beneficial for the farmers. He said that the District Agricultural Officer (DAO) had made extra effort to make fertilizer available so that farmers could not have any difficulty. He said that permits of Equipment worth about Rs. 2.03 crore were distributed among 531 farmers that would make farming profitable. He added that the government is doing everything for the farmers to make them economically sound.

Praveen Kumar Dwiwedi, scientist, SCADA, speaking on the occasion, said that farmers are passing through transition period and the present condition of weather is making them more and more cautious. He advised the farmers for husk management. He added that a new equipment ‘Happy Seeders’ would manage husk in the field itself and the small pieces of husks would turn into compose. He further said that Straw Management System (SMS) is compulsory for harvester users in Bihar and if anyone found using harvester without SMS, legal action would be taken against them. He said manually harvesting of crops has no problem but if crops are harvested with harvester, it causes problems for eco system and also for farming and so the government after having discussions with experts, made SMS compulsory for the harvester users so that straws in the field could be managed. He said thus moisture would be maintained and dependence on fertilizer would be lessened. He warned against water level going down with each passing day and said one day we would have water even to drink and so they have to be alert to preserve water from today and the SMS is a step towards preserving water.

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