Bhojpur police arrested a named miscreant bearing an award of Rs. 5000 on his head, from his house at Nathmalpur village under Badahara police station in Bhojpur district and sent him to jail in connection with murder of a person.

Nov 24, 2022 - 21:04
Nov 24, 2022 - 23:23
 0  891

Ara, 24 November 2022, (RNI): Bhojpur police arrested a named miscreant bearing an award of Rs. 5000 on his head, from his house at Nathmalpur village under Badahara police station in Bhojpur district and sent him to jail in connection with murder of a person. Police had already arrested eight persons in this regard who are languishing in the jail while two other named accused Samu and Dhiraj Singh are still absconding. Police are conducting raids to arrest the absconding miscreants.

SHO Badahara police station Jayant Prakash said that Ram Babu Singh son of Ajit Singh of Nathmalpur village under Badahara police station had shot dead Bhawani Bind son of Gopal Bind alias Daharu Bind and injured a septuagenarian Khedan Singh of the village on March 20, 2022 after a dispute over drinking. A named FIR was lodged with the police under Badahara police station against 11 persons in this regard on the statement of Gopal Bind alias Daharu Bind, father of the deceased. Bhojpur SP Sanjay Kumar Singh formed a police team under the ASP Himanshu. The police team conducted raids and arrested eight persons though Ram Babu Singh, Somu and Dhiraj Singh escaped from the scene and whenever police conducted raids, they slipped and escaped from the scene. Later the police announced award of Rs. 5000 on Ram Babu Singh. Meanwhile, the police got information that Ram Babu Singh had come to his native village. The police at once conducted raid and arrested Ram Babu Singh from his house at Nathmalpur village and sent him to jail. 

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