Bhojpur police arrested two persons from Sritola garden under Nawada police station in connection with dancing with professional dancers with pistols in hands during ‘Tilak’ ceremony and also recovered a country made pistol, magazine and a bottle of Indian Made Foreign Liquor (IMFL) from the spot.

Nov 26, 2022 - 21:27
Nov 26, 2022 - 21:46
 0  675

Ara, 26 November 2022, (RNI): Bhojpur police arrested two persons from Sritola garden under Nawada police station in connection with dancing with professional dancers with pistols in hands during ‘Tilak’ ceremony and also recovered a country made pistol, magazine and a bottle of Indian Made Foreign Liquor (IMFL) from the spot. Later the police sent them to jail after interrogation. An FIR was lodged with the police under Nawada police station under Arms Act, New Excise Act and also for organizing dance programme without permission. The arrested persons were identified as Sujit Kumar son of Bholanath Verma of Sri Tola and Arvind Kumar Singh alias Raja of New Bahiro Sahyogi Tola. Sijit Kumar is the brother of the bridegroom while the Arbind Kumar Singh is the owner of the pistol.

SHO Nawada police station Avinash Kumar Singh said that he got information that a dance programme was going on a Tilak ceremony of Bholanath Sharma’s son some persons having criminal background have come and were demonstrating arms in drunken state. The police reached the spot in the wee hour and arrested Sujit Kumar brother of the bridegroom and his friend Arvind Kumar Singh alias Raja and seized a country made pistol and a magazine from the spot though others escaped from the scene seeing the police and also under the cover of darkness. 

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