Bhojpur police, during patrolling, arrested five miscreants while hatching plan to commit dacoity from near brick kiln at Devrath village on Keshopur-Dumariya main road under Badahara police station and recovered a country made pistol, eight live cartridges, one dagger, cash, a motorcycle and a mobile from their possession.

Nov 21, 2022 - 21:51
Nov 21, 2022 - 22:38
 0  837

Ara, 21 November 2022, (RNI):  Bhojpur police, during patrolling, arrested five miscreants while hatching plan to commit dacoity from near brick kiln at Devrath village on Keshopur-Dumariya main road under Badahara police station and recovered a country made pistol, eight live cartridges, one dagger, cash, a motorcycle and a mobile from their possession. The arrested miscreants were identified as Deepak Singh son of Mahesh Singh, Lalloo alias Rohit Kumar son of Baleshar Singh of Devrath village in Bhojpur district, Raja Babu Singh son of Vijendra Singh of Birpur village under Murar police station, Kamlesh Kumar Singh son of Radha Mohan Singh, Sri Niwas Pandey son of Krishna Pandey of Narayanpur village under the same police station. Later the police sent them to jail after interrogation. A named FIR was also lodged with the police under Badahara police station in this regard.

Bhojpur SP Sanjay Kumar Singh said that he got information that five miscreants were hatching plan to commit dacoity at the roof of a house near brick kiln at Devrath village under Badahara police station. At his direction, a police patrolling party reached there. Seeing the police the miscreants jumped off the roof and fled away but the police chased and arrested them. Deepak Singh and Lallo alias Rohit Kumar have criminal background. 

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