Station House Officer (SHO)-in-Charge, Avinash Kumar instituted a named FIR with the police under Ara town police station against 14 inmates of the Ara jail after eight mobiles, four chargers, SIMs, a scissors, Rs. 15000 in cash, intoxicants and other objectionable items were recovered during a raid inside the Ara jail

Dec 2, 2022 - 21:10
Dec 2, 2022 - 23:42
 0  729

Ara, 2 December 2022, (RNI): Station House Officer (SHO)-in-Charge, Avinash Kumar instituted a named FIR with the police under Ara town police station against 14 inmates of the Ara jail after eight mobiles, four chargers, SIMs, a scissors, Rs. 15000 in cash, intoxicants and other objectionable items were recovered during a raid inside the Ara jail. The FIR was lodged against Avinash Paswan, Dharmendra Yadav, Chetan Rai, Dhan Jee Yadav, Mithai alias Dinesh Yadav, Chhotu Yadav, Double Yadav, Doman Yadav, Narad Yadav, Binod Yadav, Rishabh Yadav, Deepak Dhanuk and Binod Dhanuk. The objectionable items were recovered from their possession during raid.

After the names of inmates of Ara jail figured in the murder of Mantoo Sonar, Bhojpur DM Raj Kumar and the SP Sanjay Kumar Singh along with heavy police force raided the Ara jail on November 28, 2022 that continued for about six hours. They searched each and every ward in the Ara jail and seized eight mobiles, five SIMs, four chargers, one scissors, Rs. 15000 in cash, tobacco and other objectionable items.

After the raid, security tightened in the Ara jail from main gate to prisoner wards after the inmates of Ara jail and criminals operating outside nexus came to light so that objectionable items could not reach inside the jail. Besides, 24 hours patrolling along the boundary walls of the Ara jail has been intensified.

The Jail Superintendent said that the jail administration is preparing list of those inmates of the jail who are involved in disturbing peace and to break the nexus of inmates and employees of the jail to shift them to Bhagalpur and other jails of Bihar.

The officials of Bhojpur district got information that inmates of Ara jail are involved in committing crime from inside the jail with their goons outside the jail. They conducted raids and recovered objectionable articles from the jail. The police are trying to reach the criminals with the help of mobiles and SIMs recovered from the inmates of Ara jail and also through surveillance and technical research.

The recovery of objectionable articles from inside the jail, put question mark on the efficacy of the jail administration and the officials of the jail are trying to plug all those vulnerable points.

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