Surendra Ram, Minister of Labour Resources Department, Government of Bihar castigated the Centre Government for tantalizing people and also for cheating them with false promises of providing jobs at least two crore per annum but the Centre Government is taking away jobs instead while on other hand Bihar government is providing jobs to unemployed youths in Bihar.

Nov 15, 2022 - 21:23
Nov 15, 2022 - 22:56
 0  972

Bhabhua, 15 November 2022, (RNI): Surendra Ram, Minister of Labour Resources Department, Government of Bihar castigated the Centre Government for tantalizing people and also for cheating them with false promises of providing jobs at least two crore per annum but the Centre Government is taking away jobs instead while on other hand Bihar government is providing jobs to unemployed youths in Bihar.

He said that 55 companies have come to the Sonepur Fair for the first time in Bihar where people are being given jobs. He said the Bihar government is giving jobs while the Centre Government is involved in fake promises. He stated that Deputy Chief Minister Tejaswi Yadav had promised jobs and within 3 months of coming to power, the government started giving jobs.

Surendra Ram said that the persons who are in power at the Centre, had promised 2 crore jobs every year in the year 2014 and till 2022 at least 16 crore persons would have got jobs so far but the government took away jobs. He added that Bihari should be given at least 1.33 crore jobs of its share in eight years but all it proved fake promises. He stated that Mahatma Gandhi had fought successfully against the English on the basis of Truth and Non-Violence and thus freed the country from the yoke of foreign rule but today the Centre Government is bound to sell out government establishments to the companies and thus bent upon to bring back the company rule in the country and once again the government is trying to enslave the nation. He added that for 31 days starting from November 15, 2022, all the 55 companies participating the Sonepur Fair, will provide jobs to unemployed youths in large number.

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