Members of law enforcing agency clashed in the open at Gadhani Bazaar under Gadhani police station in Bhojpur district. A video of abusing, pushing and fighting in between the ASI and a Chowkidaar over duty disputes has become viral on social media. The viral video showed that a Chowkidar Pankaj in civil uniform clashed with an ASI Baleshwar and embroiled into fighting.

Feb 7, 2024 - 15:45
Feb 7, 2024 - 16:40
 0  810

ARA (RNI) Members of law enforcing agency clashed in the open at Gadhani Bazaar under Gadhani police station in Bhojpur district. A video of abusing, pushing and fighting in between the ASI and a Chowkidaar over duty disputes has become viral on social media. The viral video showed that a Chowkidar Pankaj in civil uniform clashed with an ASI Baleshwar and embroiled into fighting.

It was said that the ASI Gadhani police station allotted duty to the Chowkidar but he refused to do the duty. At this, the ASI and the Chowkidar clashed. The ASI said that the Chowkidar was drunken state and when he told him for medical examination, he lost temper and clashed with him.

Bhojpur SP Pramod Kumar Yadav said that a case of clash in between the ASI and the Zamadar at Gadhani police station on February 3, 2024 and added somebody said that they were in drunken state. He said that he has served show cause notices on both the persons and if their replies were satisfactory, they would be suspended.

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