Bhojpur police, acting on a tip off, arrested two miscreants from near the bank of Sone river at Farhangpur village under Chandi police station in connection with murder of a youth at Bhadwar under Chandi police station during a dance programme in the village.

May 6, 2023 - 14:41
May 6, 2023 - 16:36
 0  378

Ara, 6 May 2023, (RNI): Bhojpur police, acting on a tip off, arrested two miscreants from near the bank of Sone river at Farhangpur village under Chandi police station in connection with murder of a youth at Bhadwar under Chandi police station during a dance programme in the village. The arrested miscreants were identified as Krishna Kumar alias Kariya and Lav Kumar of Bhadwar village under Chandi police station. 

Bhojpur SP Pramod Kumar Yadav said that one youth Aryan 17 was shot dead at Bhadwar village under Chandi police station in the evening on May 1, 2023 when he was watching a dance programme during a marriage ceremony in the village. A named FIR was lodged with the police under Chandi police station against two persons in this regard on the statement of a CRPF personnel Anand Kumar.

The SP further said that after institution of FIR, he formed a police team under the ASP Prakash Chandra. The police team conducted raids and arrested Krishna Kumar alias Kariya and Lav Kumar from the bank of river Sone at Farhangpur village under Chandi police station who were living there after the incident. The SP stated that two miscreants were also involved in it and the police are conducting raids to arrest them. He said that both the arrested miscreants, during interrogation, confessed their involvement in the murder. Later the police sent them to jail.

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