Three separate FIRs were lodged with the police under Nawada police station against 20 named persons including 15 students and about two dozen unnamed persons in connection with a clash in between inmates of Nutal Hostel and public and also pelting stones on police force. Police are investigating the matter and also conducting raids to arrest the miscreants.

Feb 8, 2023 - 18:59
Feb 8, 2023 - 19:55
 0  567

Ara, 8 February 2023, (RNI): Three separate FIRs were lodged with the police under Nawada police station against 20 named persons including 15 students and about two dozen unnamed persons in connection with a clash in between inmates of Nutal Hostel and public and also pelting stones on police force. Police are investigating the matter and also conducting raids to arrest the miscreants.  

SHO Nawada police station said that students of Nutan Hostel, H D Jain College, Ara and local people clashed over parking of motorcycle and demanding of donation on February 6, 2023 at Karmantola locality under Nawada police station in which one Manish Kumar, inmate of Nutan Hostel was injured. When the police arrived at the spot, inmates of Nutan Hostel pelted stones with police. Later the injured inmate of Nutan Hostel, Manish Kumar Singh lodged FIR against three named persons and 20 unnamed persons with the police under Ara town police station while the ASI, Nawada police station Kameshwar Dubey instituted FIR against Ankit Kumar, Pankaj Singh, Mukesh Singh, Ajit Singh, Rajnish Kumar Singh, Abhi Singh, Manish Singh and 22 unnamed persons and Ruby Devi registered an FIR with the police on behalf of people.

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