The condition water scheme worth about Rs. 95.59 lakh in Suryapura block is pathetic. The work agency ran away without installing a motor, a transformer or a water tank. Due to this, water supply in the village has almost come to a standstill. Now no one is going to feel sorry for the condition of tap water scheme in Ward No. 9 of Suryapura Sadar. The Ward Implementation Management Committee has wind up after spending about Rs. 9.78 lakh but not a single drop of water dripped from the taps in the village

Nov 7, 2023 - 16:22
Nov 7, 2023 - 17:42
 0  459

Sasaram (RNI) The condition water scheme worth about Rs. 95.59 lakh in Suryapura block is pathetic. The work agency ran away without installing a motor, a transformer or a water tank. Due to this, water supply in the village has almost come to a standstill. Now no one is going to feel sorry for the condition of tap water scheme in Ward No. 9 of Suryapura Sadar. The Ward Implementation Management Committee has wind up after spending about Rs. 9.78 lakh but not a single drop of water dripped from the taps in the village. How does water even come when the agency itself has not installed a water tank. Now it is talk of the village that the Public Health Engineering Department (PHED) will complete the incomplete work of tap water. That means the management committee embezzled the fund and once again money will he spent on the same scheme to get the work done by the PHED. Sumitra Devi, member of Ward No. 9 said that for the last three years, not a single drop of water has seeped from the tap in the houses. She said that several complaints were made to the BDO and SDO in this regard but no action has so far been taken. A villager Nand Kishore Chandra said that he did not know when the plan was completed. They are still waiting for water but there is neither a water tank nor a motor.

There was a tap water scheme worth about Rs. 94.28 lakh in total 6 wards namely 1,4,9,10,11,15 of Suryapura block on which about Rs. 70.44 lakh has been spent. After investigation last July, its MB was booked. According to which Rs. 7.045 lakh has been spent, yet the condition of water supply in these wards is pathetic. Brij Bhar Ram of Ward No 10 said that the supply motor has gone out, the pipes are broken at many places but the officials do not listen to them and they are yearning for water.

Mukhia, Suryapura Panchayat, Pramod Kumar said that during tenure of the former Mukhia, the scheme of tap water was started in 6 wards. The money was sent to all the wards on time. Presently the condition of tap water is bad in all the wards. He had talks with the officials of the concerned department but in vain. He added that now the PHED will complete the work.

The BPRO, Abhya Kumar Singh said that as per the instructions of the government, the tap water scheme has been transferred to the PHED and now it is the responsibility of the PHED to complete the incomplete work of the tap water scheme. And now whatever problems there are in water supply in the wards of Suryapura panchayat will be rectified.

Junior Engineer, PHED said that the tap water work with the estimated cost of Rs. 94.29 lakh has been done in 6 wards of Suryapura panchayat but after investigation it came to light that only about Rs. 71.45 were withdrawn as per MB book.

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