Purnia police with the help of their Bhojpur counterpart arrested the person who threatened the Purnia MP Rajesh Ranjan alias Pappu Yadav with dire consequences within 24 hours from Ara. Later the police took the person with them to Purnia. The person was identified as Ram Babu Yadav of Dumariya village under Shahpur police station in Bhojpur district. He had threatened the MP in the name of Lawrence Gang.

Dec 2, 2024 - 18:47
Dec 2, 2024 - 19:31
 0  324

ARA (RNI) Purnia police with the help of their Bhojpur counterpart arrested the person who threatened the Purnia MP Rajesh Ranjan alias Pappu Yadav with dire consequences within 24 hours from Ara. Later the police took the person with them to Purnia. The person was identified as Ram Babu Yadav of Dumariya village under Shahpur police station in Bhojpur district. He had threatened the MP in the name of Lawrence Gang.

While issuing the threat, the accused had described himself as a member of Lawrence Dishnoi’s Bihar team. Pappu Yadav was asked to apologize to Lawrence whose video also went viral. However, why he threatened Pappu Yadav has been threatened is not clear so far.

Pappu Yadav has been receiving threats continuously for the last two months. Last Friday, MP Pappu Yadav was threatened with murder within 24 hours through a WhatsApp message. MP’s spokesperson Rajesh Yadav said that the threat was given from Pakistan’s number at night in which it was written that they will kill Pappu Yadav in last 24 hours. Their partners’ preparation is complete and their comrades have reached very close to him. Even his guards won’t be able to save him. They wished him happy Birthday to him from Lawrence Bhai and his team and added that the MP Pappu Yadav alias Rajesh Ranjan enjoy his last day.

After the statement of destroying the network, of gangster Lawrence Bishnoi, Pappu Yadav received dozens of threats through WhatsApp calls, messages and voice messages. Earlier, in a case the police had also arrested the accused from Delhi. The Dubai SIM card and mobile set used in making the threat were also recovered from him. Police have also traced two other foreign numbers and claimed that both these foreign numbers have been used from India. Pappu Yadav has also expressed threat to his life and demanded security from the Central Government.

Purnia SP Kartikey Sharma said that he had taken the threat to Pappu Yadav very seriously and police are investigating the matter but it is not clear so far as to why the person threatened him. It is also not clear whether the person has any link with Lawrence Bishnoi or not.

Pappu Yadav had received a threat yester too and in a message the person said that he had reached Patna and will kill Pappu Yadav within five to six days otherwise Pappu Yadav apologize Lawrence Bishnoi. On the other hand, Pappu Yadav said that he has received threat 20 times and threat is being given continuously but he is not the person who is afraid of such hollowing. He is still driving and going to his assembly areas. He further said that the government is not aware of his security. He has sent the information to Delhi but the government paid no heed.

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