Bhojpur SP pramod Kumar Yadav line closed the SHO Udwantnagar police station Awadhesh Kumar with immediate effect and also recommended his suspension and department action against him to the Shahabad DIG Navin Chandra after a video became viral regarding lathicharge on the girl students during a protest of the Senate meeting of the Veer Kuer Singh University (VKSU). Now the DIG will take further action. No SHO has been posted in the Udwanatnagar police station so far.

Dec 24, 2023 - 18:33
Dec 24, 2023 - 18:47
 0  378

ARA (RNI) Bhojpur SP pramod  Kumar Yadav line closed the SHO Udwantnagar police station Awadhesh Kumar with immediate effect and also recommended his suspension and department action against him to the Shahabad DIG Navin Chandra after a video became viral regarding lathicharge on the girl students during a protest of the Senate meeting of the Veer Kuer Singh University (VKSU). Now the DIG will take further action. No SHO has been posted in the Udwanatnagar police station so far.

Bhojpur SP Pramod Kumar Yadav said that the Bihar Governor cum Chancellor of universities had come to inaugurate the VKSU Senate meeting on December 23, 2023 and elaborate security arrangements were made in the campus of the university at Zero mile under Udwantnager police station. Hundreds of leaders of different student unions including girl students were protesting the Senate meeting to press the fulfillment of their demands and also tried to enter the meeting hall. They broke the gate. The police force tried their best to persuade the agitating students but failed and the police used mild force to disperse the agitating students in which some students were injured. Meanwhile, a video became viral showing the SHO Udwantnagar police station thrashing a girl student though lady constables were present there. Taking cognizance on the incident, he line closed the SHO and also recommended his suspension and departmental action against him to the Shahabad range DIG Navin Chandra.

Student leaders said that they were demanding to give child upliftment amount, set a nodal centre of the VKSU and issue graduate and post-graduate certificates within 12 days.

They stated that they had put their demands before the Vice Chancellor, VKSU several times but every time only hollow assurance was given and so they were protesting the Senate meeting so that their voice could be heard by the governor. The Senate meeting was convened for the release fund for the payment of salary of teaching and non-teaching staffs overlooking the interests of students. The police showed their dictatorial behaviour to gag the voice of the demands and mercilessly thrashed the students. In protest the students threw mobiles that infuriated the SHO Udwantnagar police station who beat up of students irrespective of boys and girls right and left and a video beating of a girl student became viral.

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