Nine armed miscreants on three motorcycles snatched about Rs. 4.3 lakh from a grain businessman near 65th Sand Ghat under Koelwar police station on Koelwar-Babura main road and escaped from the scene when he was returning home after collection of money.

Jul 19, 2024 - 16:02
Jul 19, 2024 - 17:35
 0  243

ARA (RNI) Nine armed miscreants on three motorcycles snatched about Rs. 4.3 lakh from a grain businessman near 65th Sand Ghat under Koelwar police station on Koelwar-Babura main road and escaped from the scene when he was returning home after collection of money. An FIR has been lodged with the police under Koelwar police station in this regard. Police are investigating the matter and also conducting raids to arrest the miscreants.

SHO Koelwar police station said that Vishwanath Prasad of Babura village under Badahara police station has grain business. His son Sanjeev Kumar alias Monu 25 had gone to Koelwar for weekly collection. After collection he was returning home in the evening and as he reached near Manav Sewa Dharm Sansthan at 65th Sand Ghat under Koelwar police station on Koelwar-Babura main road, nine armed miscreants on three motorcycles came snatched the bag filled with money at pistol point and escaped from the scene. On information, SDPO-2 Ranjeet Kumar Singh along with police force rushed to the spot and investigated the matter. The SDPO stated said that police are investigating the matter on every angle and added that the miscreants will be arrested very soon.

Vishwanath Prasad said that his son Sanjeev Kumar alias Monu usually go for collection with his staff but on July 18, 2024 went to Koelwar for weekly collection alone and when he was retuning Babura after collection, the incident took place.

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