Bhojpur police arrested two miscreants in connection with murder of Ravi Kumar at Bhel Dumara village under Ara Muffassil police station in Bhojpur district and also conducting raids to arrest the third one in this regard.

Jun 4, 2023 - 17:30
Jun 4, 2023 - 18:10
 0  351

Ara, 4 June 2023, (RNI): Bhojpur police arrested two miscreants in connection with murder of Ravi Kumar at Bhel Dumara village under Ara Muffassil police station in Bhojpur district and also conducting raids to arrest the third one in this regard. The arrested miscreants were identified as Rohit Kumar son of Arun Mahato and Price Kumar son of Purushottam Ram of Bhel Dumara village under Ara Muffassil police station. Later the police sent them to jail after interrogation. Eve teasing was the reason behind the incident.

Bhojpur SP Pramod Kumar Yadav said that some miscreants had killed Ravi Kumar son of Sajan Prasad alias Collector Prasad at Bhel Dumara village under Ara Muffassil police station last day and had thrown his body in the field of the village. He formed a police team under the ASP Chandar Prakash to arrest the miscreants and solve the murder mystery. The police team during investigation print out the CDR of the mobile of the deceased that detected a number of Rohit Kumar son of Arun Mahato of Bhel Dumara village. The police raided the house of Rohit Kumar and recovered a SIM of the deceased and the police arrested him. during interrogation, Rohit Kumar revealed that Ravi Kumar was his friend and he along with two of his friends killed him. He revealed that Ravi Kumar always teased his friend Prince Kumar’s sister despite objection. So he hatched a plan along with Prince Kumar and Suraj Kumar son of Hareram Ram of Bhel Dumara village under Ara Muffassil police station and killed Ravi Kumar. The SP said that police team also conducted raid in the house of Prince Kumar and arrested him. The police also recovered a pistol from the house used in the murder.

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