Some miscreants slit throat of a painter in a village in Uttar Pradesh and threw the body in a village in Bhojpur district. Later the Bhojpur police recovered the body from Majhauli Kewatiya Diara village under Krishnagarh police station and brought it to the Ara Sadar Hospital for postmortem.

Feb 27, 2023 - 21:46
Feb 27, 2023 - 22:13
 0  486

Ara, 27 February 2023, (RNI): Some miscreants slit throat of a painter in a village in Uttar Pradesh and threw the body in a village in Bhojpur district. Later the Bhojpur police recovered the body from Majhauli Kewatiya Diara village under Krishnagarh police station and brought it to the Ara Sadar Hospital for postmortem. The deceased was identified as Janardan Ram of Dokati village of Balia in Uttar Pradesh. An FIR was lodged with the police under Krishnagrah police station in this regard. Police are investigating the matter and also conducting raids to arrest the miscreants.

Birendra Ram, brother of the deceased said that Janardan Ram had borrowed Rs. 15000 from Santosh Singh of Dokati village. He had returned more than half of the amount and the rest amount was to be returned. Santosh Singh pressurized him to return the rest amount on February 22, 2023 but he could not. Birendra Ram further said that Janardan Ram came home on February 23, 2023 after withdrawing money from the bank for payment of debt and went to Dokati Bazaar in the evening where Santoh Singh came on motorcycle and took Jarandan Ram with him. When he did not return home till late night, his family members searched for him everywhere. His wife Chandrawati Devi went to Santosh Singh who told her that he had dropped him at Dokati Bazaar. Later they lodged an FIR with the police under Dokati police station in connection with kidnapping of Janardan Ram.

In the meantime, the Bhojpur police, on information, recovered his body from Manarika Ke Dera village at Kewatia Mauza Diara under Krishnagarh police station and brought it to the Ara Sadar Hospital for postmortem. Birendra Ram blamed that Santosh Singh, his son Bhim Singh and brother kidnapped Janardan Ram from Doakati Bazaar and after killing him with sharp edged weapon, threw his body in a village of Bhojpur. He said he was killed merely for some money.

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