Bhojpur police with the help of their Uttar Pradesh counterpart arrested a named accused from Balia in Uttar Pradesh in connection with murder of class III minor girl Anshu Kumari 12 though the police officers are tight lipped in this regard so far.

Mar 14, 2023 - 22:08
Mar 15, 2023 - 02:09
 0  513

Ara, 14 March 2023, (RNI): Bhojpur police with the help of their Uttar Pradesh counterpart arrested a named accused from Balia in Uttar Pradesh in connection with murder of class III minor girl Anshu Kumari 12 though the police officers are tight lipped in this regard so far. The arrested miscreant was identified as Paras Giri son of late Brij Goswami of Tier village under the same police station. SHO Tier police station Ashish Kumar Sah said that police are conducting raids to arrest the miscreants and still an unidentified youth wanted in the murder is still a puzzle for the police.

Anshu Kumari 12 a student of Class III in a private school of the village and daughter of Mallu Singh of Tier village under the same police station. On March 5, 2023, she along with other girls had gone to school taking provisions for picnic on March 5, 2023. All the girls returned home at about 11am the same day but Anshu Kumari did not. The family members searched for her and was told that Khushi Kumari of the village taken Anshu Kumari towards her house. When the family members reached there, the door of the house was locked but they heard some sound inside the house. They somehow reached in a room at the roof of the house and peeped through the window. They found half naked Anshu Kumari unconscious. She was cauterized with hot iron at several places and her face was burnt after sprinkling kerosene oil on her. Later the miscreants strangulated her with rope and escaped from the scene thinking she was dead. The family members rushed her to the Bihia Community Health Centre in unconscious state but the doctor sent her to the Ara Sadar Hospital whence the doctors referred her to the Patna Medical College and Hospital (PMCH) where she breathed her last during treatment in the night. Some villagers said that a 19 year old lady who is also one of the named accused had some illicit relation which Anshu Kumari knew. It was said that marriage of lady was settled and her family members were afraid that the matter might be leaked and so they planned to eliminate Anshu Kumari and killed Anshu Kumari brutally.

A named FIR was lodged with the police under Tier police station against three personsincluding two women, Paras Giri, his wife Durga Deviu and his daughter Kushbu Kumari of the village in this regard on the statement of Lalan Yadav, grandfather of the deceased on March 9, 2023.  

Bhojpur SP Pramod Kumar Yadav said that in the initial investigation, it came to know that Anshu Kumari was cauterized with hot iron and was strangulated though allegation leveled by her family members on the ASI Chattan Singh is not clear so far. It would be clear after the arrest of the named accused. He said that he removed Chattan Singh from the Tier police station for his so called dereliction of duty and was close to Ara Civil Court.

Agitated villagers gheraoed the Tier police station in protest against the murder. Seeing their aggressiveness, the Bhojpur SP Pramod Kumar Yadav removed the ASI, Haribansh Singh alias Chattan Singh from the Tier police station and deputed him at the Ara Civil Court.

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