Bhojpur police, acting on a tip off, arrested a miscreant red handed from near Kheladia Bridge under Tarari police station while hatching plan of loot and recovered a country made pistol and live cartridge while his three aides escaped under the cover of darkness.

Mar 11, 2023 - 00:14
Mar 11, 2023 - 01:00
 0  594

Ara, 10 March 2023, (RNI): Bhojpur police, acting on a tip off, arrested a miscreant red handed from near Kheladia Bridge under Tarari police station while hatching plan of loot and recovered a country made pistol and live cartridge while his three aides escaped under the cover of darkness. The arrested miscreant was identified as Kush Kumar alias Baza son of Ujaagir Singh of Tarari village under the same police station. A named FIR was lodged with the police under Tarari police station in this regard. Later the police sent him to jail after interrogation. Police are conducting raids to arrest his aides. 

Bhojpur SP Pramod Kumar Yadav said that unidentified four armed miscreants had looted Rs. 21000 in cash and a mobile from cashier of Tarari Bank at pistol point near Kheladia Bridge at Tarari under the same police station on February 22, 2023. An FIR was lodged with the police under Tarari police station in this regard. The SP said that he formed a police team under SDPO, Piro Rahul Singh to solve the mystery of the loot. Meanwhile, the police got information that some miscreants had assembled near Kheladia Bridge and were planning to commit crime. As the police team reached at the spot, all but one escaped from the scene under the cover of darkness and the police arrested Kush Kumar alias Baza. During interrogation, Kush Kumar confessed his involvement in several loot cases including the loot from the bank cashier.

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