Bhojpur police conducted raids at a Sand ghat at Kamaluchak under Kolwar police station and arrested a youth digging sand illegally and recovered a regular rifle, one magazine and 16 live cartridges.

Feb 4, 2023 - 21:28
Feb 4, 2023 - 23:15
 0  567

Ara, 4 February 2023, (RNI): Bhojpur police conducted raids at a Sand ghat at Kamaluchak under Kolwar police station and arrested a youth digging sand illegally and recovered a regular rifle, one magazine and 16 live cartridges. The arrested person was identified as Raj Mishra of Keshavpur village under Simari police station in Buxar district. 

Bhojpur SP Pramod Kumar Yadav said that he got information that some persons were digging sand illegally at a closed Sand Ghat at Kamaluchak under Koelwar police station. He at once formed a police team under the ASP Himanshu and the police team conducted raid at the Kamaluchak Sand Ghat. Seeing the police, some persons who were involved in digging sand escaped from the scene but the police arrested one of them and recovered a regular rifle, one magazine and 16 live cartridges from the spot. The SP further said that two persons were killed earlier at the Kamaluchak Sand Ghat over war of attrition and digging of sand was stopped there. He said an FIR was lodged with the police under Koelwar police station in this regard and the police sent the arrested person after interrogation.

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