SDM Sanjeet Kumar and the SDPO Rajeev Chandra Singh took stock of the preparations for the function at the Kuer Singh fort complex before the Victory Day celebration at Jagdishpur, birth place of the pioneer freedom fighter of the first war of independence, Veer Babu Kuer Singh on April 23, 2024. During this, dress rehearsal of the programme slated to be organized on the occasion, was also done in presence of officials, employees, police force besides teachers and school students.

Apr 22, 2024 - 15:03
Apr 22, 2024 - 15:39
 0  432

ARA (RNI) SDM Sanjeet Kumar and the SDPO Rajeev Chandra Singh took stock of the preparations for the function at the Kuer Singh fort complex before the Victory Day celebration at Jagdishpur, birth place of the pioneer freedom fighter of the first war of independence, Veer Babu Kuer Singh on April 23, 2024. During this, dress rehearsal of the programme slated to be organized on the occasion, was also done in presence of officials, employees, police force besides teachers and school students.

The SDM and the SDPO took stock of the cleaning and painting of the fort and many other preparations and also gave necessary instructions. Earlier a meeting was organized under the chairmanship of the SDM in which a detailed discussion was held on the outline of the programmes to be celebrated every year on the day of Vijyotasava at the historical Veer Kuer Singh Fort on April 23 and it was decided that this time due to the Parliamentary Elections, the Victory Day programme would be celebrated following the model code of conduct. It was decided that in the important programme, first of all, between 6am to 7am, ‘Prabhat Pheri’ will be taken out by the school children that will pass through the main thoroughfares of Jagdishpur, flag hoisting and salute at 8.30am and garlanding of the statue of Babu Kuer Singh at 8.35am. After that, mangaldeep will be lit in the Kuer Singh museum building and a painting competition will be held in the hall.

On the other hand, a meeting was organized at Ara by the Veer Kuer Singh Vijyotasava Celebration Committee to make the Victory Day programme a grand success on April 23, 2024 as ever under the presidentship of Nirmal Singh Shakrawar, president of the Veer Kuer Singh Vijyotasava Celebration Committee at the office of the Kuer Sena. Mantu Singh conducted the meeting.

Speaking on the occasion, Nirmal Kumar Singh Shakrawar said that the programme will be stated on April 23, 2024 at about 9am from Veer Kuer Singh Park where the life-size statue of Veer Kuer Singh will be garlanded and a seminar on the personality and work of Babu Kuer Singh will be organized. The Preparation Committee will launch a public contact programme in the entire old Shahabad.

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