Bhojpur police arrested nine miscreants from Kamaluchak Diara area under Koelwar police station in Bhojpur district while hatching plan to commit robbery and also recovered a pistol, two country made pistols, seven live cartridges and two blank cartridges from their possession.

Apr 12, 2023 - 16:09
Apr 12, 2023 - 18:23
 0  459

Ara, 12 April 2023, (RNI): Bhojpur police arrested nine miscreants from Kamaluchak Diara area under Koelwar police station in Bhojpur district while hatching plan to commit robbery and also recovered a pistol, two country made pistols, seven live cartridges and two blank cartridges from their possession. Later the police sent them to jail after interrogation. The arrested miscreants were identified as Sanjay Pandey, Ranjeet Kumar of Pachrukhia under Koelwar police station, Deepak Kumar Singh of Makhdumpur under Badahara police station, Shubham Singh of Rajapur under  Koelwar police station, Chhotu Singh alias Priyaranajan Singh of Mohanpur Karaza under Badahara police station, Satyendra Tiwari of Sabalpur under Badahara police station, Shani Kumar of Semara under Koelwar police station in Bhojpur district, Vivek Yadav of Madhurampur under Akodhigola police station in Rohtas district in Bihar and Shivam Mistri of Kushayi Colony under Doranda police station of Ranchi in Jharkhand

Bhojpur SP Pramod Kumar Yadav said that he got information that about two dozen miscreants owning allegiance to Satyendra Pandey gang assembled near Kamaluchak Diara area under Koelwar police station and were hatching plan to commit robbery. He at once formed a police team and the police team conducted raid at Kamaluchak Diara area and arrested nine miscreants along with one pistol, two country made pistols, seven live cartridges and two blank cartridges though others escaped under the cover of darkness. Police are conducting raids to arrest the miscreants.

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