An NGO (Non-Government Organization) Lawaris Sewa Kendra has encroached about three Katthas of Ara Sadar Hospital Land and has opened its office right under the nose of the Bhojpur district and Ara Sadar Hospital administrations for years and also in just violation of the direction of the government which says that any NGO will have to arrange its office on its own. Besides, it started booking or sub-letting the land for the marriage and other purposes to earn money but no one pay any heed to this illegal activities. The Civil Surgeon (CS), Dr. Shivendra Kumar Sinha, ACMO Dr. K N Singh and the Hospital Manager, Shashi Kumar shook off the dust and shifted the responsibility on one another shoulders though the SDO, Ara Rashmi Sinha said that that a report has been sought from the CS and action would be taken after the report is received. In such a situation, the fate of government’s anti-encroachment campaign the convenience and health of hapless patients are in limbo and who is responsible for the adverse affects on the health of poor patients.
27-NOV-ENG 3
ARA--------------------------An NGO (Non-Government Organization) Lawaris Sewa Kendra has encroached about three Katthas of Ara Sadar Hospital Land and has opened its office right under the nose of the Bhojpur district and Ara Sadar Hospital administrations for years and also in just violation of the direction of the government which says that any NGO will have to arrange its office on its own. Besides, it started booking or sub-letting the land for the marriage and other purposes to earn money but no one pay any heed to this illegal activities. The Civil Surgeon (CS), Dr. Shivendra Kumar Sinha, ACMO Dr. K N Singh and the Hospital Manager, Shashi Kumar shook off the dust and shifted the responsibility on one another shoulders though the SDO, Ara Rashmi Sinha said that that a report has been sought from the CS and action would be taken after the report is received. In such a situation, the fate of government’s anti-encroachment campaign the convenience and health of hapless patients are in limbo and who is responsible for the adverse affects on the health of poor patients.
The Ara Sadar Hospital is in a need to build many new wards and buildings for the development of the hospital and for the convenience of the patients and for this land is required. The Ara Sadar Hospital is facign a lot of problems in construction of new wards and building due to want of spaces though it has plenty of lands but most of them are encroached upon illegally particularly an NGO namely Lawaris Sewa Kendra.
The NGO Lawaris Sewa Kendra was established with a noble cause of disposing unclaimed bodies but in the later period, it started booking of weddings and other programmes. A huge amount is collected in this way without paying any tax to tuhe government and thus gnawing at the State Exchequer but neither the Hospital administration nor the Bhojpur district administration bother to take any action against this illegal activities and rather they preferred to keep mum on the issue.
Patients suffering from different diseases from different parts of Bhojpur district and its vicinity in hundreds for treatment and they desperately need clean and peaceful environment and if peace and tranquillity does not prevail and the atmosphere is not clean, the patients will have to suffer a lot on health front and the very purpose of the Hospital is failed. But neither the Hospital administration, nor the Bhojpur district administration nor the organizer of the NGO, Lawaris Sewa Kendra, has to do care for the hapless patients. Despite the ban on the palying of the Disc Jockey (DJ) on high pitch by the Bhojpur district administration, DJs are played at high pitch and the organizer of the Lawaris Sewa Kendra never discourage playing of the DJ while booking the land for the programmes without caring for the sanctity of the hospital. It may be mentioned that a children’s hospital and many other hospitals and even schools are situtated nearby and playing of DJs at high pitch affects the health of patients especially the heart patients and even their lives may be at stake sooner or later if proper heed is not paid to this danger.
It is worthmentioning here that the organizer of the NGO Lawaris Sewa Kendra is reportedly habituated to encroach the lands for his gain. It has already encroached the land of the Badi Mathia but the new Mahanth of the temple shooed him out of the land and the organizer had to evacuate the land finding no way out to continue as encroacher on the land.
ACMO, Ara Sadar Hospital, Dr. Krishna Nand Sinha, said that this is not withing his jurisdiction. The Civil Surgeon, the Deputy Superintendent and the Hospital Manager should take action against the NGO. Encroachment is causing a lot of problems. Patients are also facign problems. The organizer of the NGO does not listen to him and talked like a dictator.
Manager, Ara Sadar Hospital, Shashi Kumar said that he is not authorized to take action. Only Civil Surgeon and the Deputy Superintendent are authorized for this. He added that the hospital land has been encroached on illegally. This is causing a lot of problems. Many types of patients live in the hospital and palyin of DJs at high pitch is cauging problems to them.
On the other hand, the Civil Surgeon, Dr. Shivendra Kumar Sinha said that it is a long time ago. I do not know as to when it was built but the hospital still needs a lot of land and many types of buildings have to be built and this would be great benefits to the patients. The CS further said that the matter will be investigated as to when then Lawaris Sewa Kendra became operational on the hospital land.
The SDO, Ara Rashmi Sinha said that the matter has come to her cognizance and she has sought detailed reports from the Civil Surgeon adding that action will be taken once the report comes
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