A named FIR has been lodged with the police under Narayanpur police station in connection with killing a married woman on the statement of Chandrama Ram, uncle of the deceased. The FIR was lodged against the husband of the deceased Dharmesh Ram, father-in-law Rajendra Ram, mother-in-law Manoga Devi and the step-in-law Rinki Devi.

Feb 27, 2024 - 18:32
Feb 27, 2024 - 18:36
 0  297

Ara (RNI) A named FIR has been lodged with the police under Narayanpur police station in connection with killing a married woman on the statement of Chandrama Ram, uncle of the deceased. The FIR was lodged against the husband of the deceased Dharmesh Ram, father-in-law Rajendra Ram, mother-in-law Manoga Devi and the step-in-law Rinki Devi. The deceased was identified as Putul Kumari alias Jyoti Kumari 28 wife of Dharmesh Ram of Pakadi Tola under Narayanpur police station in Bhojpur district. The family members of the deceased blamed that she was strangulated to death and was hanged to the ceiling of the house to give colour of suicide for dowry and also for protesting illicit relation of her husband with a woman of two children for the last three months.

Quoting the FIR, the SHO Narayanpur police station Rakesh Kumar said that Ram Ratan Ram of Nahasi village under Gadhani police station married his daughter Putul Kumari alias Jyoti Kumari to Dharmesh Ram son of Rajendra Ram of Pakadi Tola of Madanpur village under Narayanpur police station in Bhojpur district in the month of May in 2015. All was fine since but for the last three months, Dharmesh Ram developed illicit relation with a woman of two children and brought her to house. Seeing her Putul Kumari started protesting his illicit relation with the woman and at last the in-laws strangulated her to death and hanged her to the ceiling.

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