Kaimur police arrested two miscreants including a woman and also recovered stolen 48 new mobiles. The arrested miscreants were identified as Raj Kumar Kewat of Kharigaon village under Chainpur police station first and later on his revelation, the police arrested Jyoti Devi wife of Manoj Chaudhary of Janardanpur village under Durgawati police station in Kaimur district and recovered stolen 48 new mobiles from her house though the mastermind of the gang Manoj Chaudhary is still absconding.

Jun 29, 2023 - 19:52
Jun 29, 2023 - 19:59
 0  378

Bhabhua, 29 June 2023, (RNI): Kaimur police arrested two miscreants including a woman and also recovered stolen 48 new mobiles. The arrested miscreants were identified as Raj Kumar Kewat of Kharigaon village under Chainpur police station first and later on his revelation, the police arrested Jyoti Devi wife of Manoj Chaudhary of Janardanpur village under Durgawati police station in Kaimur district and recovered stolen 48 new mobiles from her house though the mastermind of the gang Manoj Chaudhary is still absconding. Police are conducting raids to arrest him. at least 10 FIRs are pending against them under Chand police station and 7 under Bokaro police station in Jharkhand. Jyoti Devi’s mother house is at Bokaro.

DSP, Bhabhua, Shiv Shankar Kumar said that Manoj Kumar Chaudhary along with his Raj Kumar Kewat and his wife Jyoti Devi used to steal mobiles from the mobile shops near station road at Bokaro, his in-laws’ house in Jharhand and sell them at low price to different mobile shops. Meanwhile, the police got information that one miscreant was selling mobile to a mobile shop at Kharigaon village under Chainpur police station and arrested Raj Kumar Kewat. On his revelation, the police conducted raid at the house of Manoj Chaudhary at Janardanpur village under Durgawati police station and recovered stolen 48 new mobiles from the house and arrested Jyoti Devi though her husband Manoj Chaudhary escaped from the scene.

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