Gujarat police with the help of their Bhojpur counterpart arrested two love birds from Saheb Tola under Bihia police station in Bhojpur district and took them to Gujarat with them. The lover of girl Krishna Yadav son of Srikant Yadav is a resident of Badi Nainijor village under the Nainijor police out post in Buxar district in Bihar.

Jul 22, 2023 - 16:09
Jul 22, 2023 - 16:59
 0  297

Ara, 22 July 2023, (RNI): Gujarat police with the help of their Bhojpur counterpart arrested two love birds from Saheb Tola under Bihia police station in Bhojpur district and took them to Gujarat with them. The lover of girl Krishna Yadav son of Srikant Yadav is a resident of Badi Nainijor village under the Nainijor police out post in Buxar district in Bihar.

SHO Bihia police station said that the families of Krishna Yadav and the girl are originally residents of Badi Nainijor in Buxar district but they lived in Gujarat. On July 16, 2023, when the girl was going to her tuition in Gujarat, Krishna Yadav allegedly drugged and kidnapped her. He brought her to Saheb Tola under Bihia police station in Bhojpur district in Bihar and kept her in a rented house there. A named FIR was lodged with the police under Halaula police station in Gujarat against Krishna Yadav in connection with kidnapping of the girl. After institution of FIR, the police swung into action and following mobile surveillance reached Bihia and with the help of their Bhojpur counterpart, recovered the girl from a house at Saheb Tola village and also arrested her lover Krishna Yadav. Later the police took them to Gujarat.

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