Under the Danapur Railway Division, tender for survey work for the construction of the third and fourth railway line from Din Dayal Upadhayaya Junction to Kiyul railway station via Patna is issued on October 27, 2023. With this, efforts have been initiated to smooth the busy train operation in Delhi-Howrah train route. The 390 kilometer railway line from DDU via Ara and Patna will be widened and with this, the number of trains will be increased and overcrowding on the railway lines will also be relieved.

Oct 29, 2023 - 16:32
 0  378


29-OCT-ENG 7


ARA---------------------------Under the Danapur Railway Division, tender for survey work for the construction of the third and fourth railway line from Din Dayal Upadhayaya Junction to Kiyul railway station via Patna is issued on October 27, 2023. With this, efforts have been initiated to smooth the busy train operation in Delhi-Howrah train route. The 390 kilometer railway line from DDU via Ara and Patna will be widened and with this, the number of trains will be increased and overcrowding on the railway lines will also be relieved.

The British Government has constructed the Delhi-Howrah line in the year 1866 and since trains are running on the same two tracks whereas since that time the population and the number of trains have increased manifold. Currently 96 pairs of express and local passenger trains and goods trains are running on this route.

The load of approximately two hundred and ten trains including goods trains per day is on these two up and down tracks of which 81 pairs of trains stop at the Ara Junction. Railways is increasing the number of trains on the basis of technology but due to congestion of the tracks, problems of accidents and train maintenance are arising every day. In this background, the Railway Board approved the project of two additional line middle lanes from DDU Junction to Kiyul railway station. At present about Rs.7.79 crore has been released for the survey work. The railway has asked companies proficient in the survey work to submit tenders by November b10, 2023 and by next year, the survey company will have to prepare and submit a detailed project report along with feasibility report related to the project, land acquisition and route map. Railway sources said that after laying two additional railway track, goods trains and passenger trains will run on one track while the Express trains will run on two other railway tracks.

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