Kaimur police arrested four persons on March 7, 2023 in connection with snatching of a motorcycle and Rs. 3 lakh in cash from a scrap dealer near Chainpur Manihari under Bhabhua police station on February 23, 2023. The police also recovered three big swords, one motorcycle, four looted mobiles and Rs. 63000 in cash from their possession.

Mar 8, 2023 - 20:42
Mar 8, 2023 - 20:59
 0  675

Bhabhua, 8 March 2023, (RNI): Kaimur police arrested four persons on March 7, 2023 in connection with snatching of a motorcycle and Rs. 3 lakh in cash from a scrap dealer near Chainpur Manihari under Bhabhua police station on February 23, 2023. The police also recovered three big swords, one motorcycle, four looted mobiles and Rs. 63000 in cash from their possession. The arrested miscreants were identified as Mukesh Kumar son of Madan Praad Bari and Nirbhay Kumar son of Bikau Ram of Bithwar village under Bhabhua police station, Vikki Patel son of Nawami Singh of Isia village under Chainpur police station and Amir Suhail son of Isha Ansari of Budwalia village under Chainpur police station in Kaimur district.  The police sent them to jail after interrogation. 

Kaimur SP-in-charge Hridaykant said that a scrap dealer Aslam Ansari son of Israil Ansari of Arayil village under Chainpur police station, was going to his house after shutting down his shop on February 23, 2023 in the night when three armed miscreants looted his motorcycle, mobile and Rs. 3 lakh in cash from him. An FIR was lodged with the police under Chainpur police station in this regard. After the incident, the SP formed a police team to arrest the miscreants. The police team, acting on a tip off, arrested four miscreants in this regard. The SP further said that during interrogation, the arrested miscreants revealed they were seven in number and only three of them snatched while four of them worked as liner. The SP said that the police are conducting raids to arrest the rest three miscreants in this regard.

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