Bhojpur police arrested four miscreants in connection with loot from an employee of a finance company near Barani High School, Charpokhari and also recovered looted mobile and cash from them.

Jan 5, 2023 - 22:19
Jan 5, 2023 - 22:45
 0  621

Ara, 5 January 2023, (RNI): Bhojpur police arrested four miscreants in connection with loot from an employee of a finance company near Barani High School, Charpokhari and also recovered looted mobile and cash from them. The arrested miscreants were identified as Pawan Kumar of Malikpur, Ranjan Kumar Yadav alias Baula son of Hare Ram Yadav, Indrajeet Kumar son of Budhan Paswan of Chandi and Ajay Paswan of Baidokori village under Chapokhari police station.

Bhojpur SP Pramod Kumar Yadav said that some unidentified miscreants looted Rs. 20,000 from an employee of a finance company, Lodhi Kumar near Barani High School, Charpokhari and also looted Rs. 28000 in cash and a mobile and a Tab from another employee of another finance company Rakesh Kumar Yadav at pistol point. An FIR was lodged with the police under Charpokhari police station on December 30, 2022 in this regard. The SP formed a police team under the Piro SDPO Rahul Singh and the police team following mobile surveillance and technical research arrested four miscreants. The police recovered four mobiles, Tab, a motorcycle, 10 live cartridges from their possession.

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