-A named FIR has been lodged with the police under Bikramganj police station in Rohtas district in the murder of a Chowkidar Radheshyam Pandit on the statement of the son of the deceased Deepak Kumar. The FIR was lodged against another Chowkidar, Birendra Kumar, his wife and son. He admitted that his father had illicit relation with the wife of Birendra Kumar and the Rohtas SP was informed about it.

Jul 7, 2023 - 17:07
Jul 7, 2023 - 19:49
 0  459

Sasaram, 7 July 2023, (RNI): A named FIR has been lodged with the police under Bikramganj police station in Rohtas district in the murder of a Chowkidar Radheshyam Pandit on the statement of the son of the deceased Deepak Kumar. The FIR was lodged against another Chowkidar, Birendra Kumar, his wife and son. He admitted that his father had illicit relation with the wife of Birendra Kumar and the Rohtas SP was informed about it.

SHO Bikramganj police station Manoj Kumar quoting the FIR said that Radheshyam Pandit was not killed in rail accident but he was killed and his friend Chowkidar Birendra Kumar Singh and his family members killed him. He said that now the police proceed investigation with the help of mobile location and mobile CDR and added if the accused Chowkidar Birendra Kumar Singh who is at present posted at Sub-Divisional Office on night duty, was found involved in the murder, action would be taken against him and he would also be arrested and sent to jail.

The deceased Chowkidar Radheshyam Pandit had illicit relation with the wife of accused Chowkidar Birndra Singh’s wife Sunita Devi and Deepak Kumar, son of the deceased had already given a written complain to the Rohtas SP. Deepak Kumar said that perhaps Birendra Singh and his son with the fear of social stigma, killed his father and threw the body on the rail track to erase evidence. Deepak Kumar in his complaint clearly wrote that his father had illicit relation with Sunita Devi.

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