A named FIR has been lodged with the police under Ara Muffassil police station in Bhojpur district against the former Mukhia Manti Devi and Panchayat Secretary Dilip Kumar, Pirauta panchayat of Ara block on the written statement of Block Panchayati Raj Officer cum Executive Officer (Panchayat Samiti), Ara and also at the direction of the Bhojpur District Magistrate Raj Kumar in connection with large scale irregularities in scheme and embezzlement of government fund. A certificate case has also been filed against the former Mukhia Manti Devi before the Certificate Officer, Bhojpur for realization of about Rs. 18.40 lakh.

Jul 6, 2023 - 17:51
Jul 6, 2023 - 19:12
 0  297

Ara, 6 July 2023, (RNI): A named FIR has been lodged with the police under Ara Muffassil police station in Bhojpur district against the former Mukhia Manti Devi and Panchayat Secretary Dilip Kumar, Pirauta panchayat of Ara block on the written statement of Block Panchayati Raj Officer cum Executive Officer (Panchayat Samiti), Ara and also at the direction of the Bhojpur District Magistrate Raj Kumar in connection with large scale irregularities in scheme and embezzlement of government fund. A certificate case has also been filed against the former Mukhia Manti Devi before the Certificate Officer, Bhojpur for realization of about Rs. 18.40 lakh.

After detection of large scale irregularities in execution of schemes and embezzlement of government fund, the Block Panchayati Raj Officer cum Executive Officer (Panchayat Samiti) and the Technical Assistant conducted spot inquiry at Pirauta panchayat and found that money had been withdrawn without completing the works. They found that the amount was withdrawn without getting the work of earth filling and paver block construction done. Only boring work has been done on ground, staging base has been made and submersible has been inserted in the boring and rest of the work is incomplete. The said work has been assessed by the technical assistant and the measurement book has been record and its amount is only Rs. 63000. Only the first Geo tag village of the above three schemes is available on the Swaraj Portal. The amount of the said three schemes was withdrawn after paying advance to the Dhaneshwari Enterprises. This is a complete violation of departmental guidelines and a clear proof of embezzlement of government funds and the former Mukhia Manati Devi and the Panchayat Secretary Dilip Kumar are jointly responsible for it. Government money has been embezzled by them arbitrarily withdrawing the amount without getting the work done.

Flaws were found in these schemes.

1.      Name of the scheme—15th finance Plan

Name of the Scheme—Filling of soil and construction of pier block from Chhathu Yadav’s house via Kali temple till Kesho Yadav gate

2.      Name of the scheme—15th Finance Plan

Soil filling and pier block construction from the main road of Gran Panchayt Pirauta to MNREGA Bhawan via Ganpt Yadav’s gate

3.      Tap water scheme work in Ward No 11 of Graum Panchayat Pirauta with estimated amount of about Rs. 16.50 lakh and amount paid so far is about Rs. 13.8 lakh

The condition is that not only in this panchayat, but in all the panchayats of Bhojpur district, schemes have been messed up. If the investigation is done objectively, embezzlement of crores of rupees can come to the fore and the government will also have to recover crores of revenue.

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