Bhojpur District Magistrate (DM) cum District Election Officer (DEO) Raj Kumar published the final list of the voters in Bhojpur district. With the publication of the voter list, the total number of voters in Bhojpur district reached 21 lakh, 56 thousand and48. Among these, the number of male voters is 11 lakh, 45 thousands and 328 while the number of female voters is 10 lakh, 10 thousand and 685 and the number of third gender is 35

Jan 23, 2024 - 15:48
 0  270


23-JAN-ENG 4


ARA----------------------------Bhojpur District Magistrate (DM) cum District Election Officer (DEO) Raj Kumar published the final list of the voters in Bhojpur district. With the publication of the voter list, the total number of voters in Bhojpur district reached 21 lakh, 56 thousand and48. Among these, the number of male voters is 11 lakh, 45 thousands and 328 while the number of female voters is 10 lakh, 10 thousand and 685 and the number of third gender is 35. It is noteworthy here that during the special brief voter list campaign, the names of total 66320 new voters have been added to the list in Bhojpur district while the names of 38 thousand and 2 dead voters have been deleted. Various types of corrections have been done in the voter list whose number is 3856. During the special brief revision campaign, 18827 young voters in the age group of 18 to 19 years have been added in Bhojpur district and they will use their voting rights for the first during the forthcoming parliamentary election which will he held on basis of this voter list only.

The number of total voters after publication of final voter list in 192 Sandesh Assembly Constituency is 294047 includingn 154806 male voters, in 193 Badahra Assembly Constituency is 311969 including 167673 male voters, in 194 Ara Assembly Constituency is 334622 including 180180 male voters, inn 195 Agiaw Assembly Constituency is 271891 including 143546 male voters, in 196 Tarari Assembly Constituency is 310754 including 163571 male voters, in 197 Jagdishpur Assembly Constituency is 313785 including 165075 male voters and 198 Shahpur Assembly Constituency is 318980 including 170237 male voters.

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