The condition of a newly married woman became very serious after consuming poisonous substance at Jagdev Nagar locality under Nawada police station in Bhojpur district. She was rushed to the Ara Sadar Hospital by dial 112 number police vehicle where she is struggling for life
ARA (RNI) The condition of a newly married woman became very serious after consuming poisonous substance at Jagdev Nagar locality under Nawada police station in Bhojpur district. She was rushed to the Ara Sadar Hospital by dial 112 number police vehicle where she is struggling for life. The victim is identified as Priyanshu Devi 23 wife of Sonu Kumar of Purhara village under Chauri police station in Bhojpur district and presently lived at Jagdev Nagar under Nawada police station.
Priyanshu Devi said at the Ara Sadar Hospital said that her husband Sonu Kumar worked as a private in the registrar office at Ara. She had a love marriage with him on May 16, 2024 and since he used to thrash her whenever he came home after taking liquor. She added that she had to gone to the women’s police station regarding this few months ago. The police called both of them to the police station and a bond was filled up and her husband took her home. When she came after taking bath and asked for money, he refused and demanded all my jewelries instead. When she did not yield to his dictate, he dragged her down the stairs, took her to the room and thrashed her. Even her father-in-law, mother-in-law and sister-in-law caught hold of her hands and legs. Her husband went to the terrace and brought poisonous substance and forcibly fed it to her due to which her condition became very serious. He also dragged her out of the house and dictated her to go to her house. The brothers in the house informed the police vehicle dialing 112. The police at once arrived and admitted her to the Ara Sadar Hospital in critical condition. Her family members also reached the Ara Sadar Hospital. Priyanshu Devi accused her husband Sonu Kumar, father-in-law, mother-in-law and sister-in-law of forcibly feeding her poison and pressurizing her to do wrong. However the police are investigating the matter.
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