-A team of CBI tightened noose around the necks of close acquaintances of former Chief Minister Lalu Prasad and raided residences of RJD MLA from Sandesh assembly constituency in Bhojpur, Kiran Devi and wife of former MLA, RJD Arun Yadav, in Patna, Ara. Arun Yadav is said to be very close to the RJD supremo Lalu Prasad.

May 16, 2023 - 15:39
May 16, 2023 - 17:11
 0  405

Ara, 16 May 2023, (RNI): A team of CBI tightened noose around the necks of close acquaintances of former Chief Minister Lalu Prasad and raided residences of RJD MLA from Sandesh assembly constituency in Bhojpur, Kiran Devi and wife of former MLA, RJD Arun Yadav, in Patna, Ara. Arun Yadav is said to be very close to the RJD supremo Lalu Prasad. Raids are still going on. Besides, the CBI raided the residence of former minister, Prem Chand Gupta in New Delhi.

Teams of CBI raided residences of Lalu Prasad’s nearest and dearest persons on Tuesday in Patna, Ara, New Delhi, Noida, Gurugram in connection with registration of land and flats sin lieu of services in railway when Lalu Prasad was railway minister.

Former Chief Minister, Lalu Prasad was railway minister in the UPA government and land scam was detected during his tenure as railway minister. It was blamed that Lalu Prasad had got lands and flats registered in the name of his family members including his wife and former Chief Minister, Rabari Devi, his daughter, Misa Bharati in lieu of services in the railway. Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and the Enforcement Department (ED) are investigating the matter and have grilled Lalu Prasad and Rabri Devi, Misa Bharati, Tezaswi Yadav, Chanda Yadav and other family members.

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