Governor, Bihar Rajendra Vishwanath Arlekar inaugurated a one day 21st free Mega Health Camp and Blood Donation Camp organized jointly by Lions Club, Indian Medical Association, Rotary Club, Indian Red Cross Society, Chamber of Commerce, Jain, Marwadi, Vaishya Samaj on the campus of Gayan Jyoti Residential Public School, Bampali by lighting ceremonial candle.

Apr 9, 2023 - 19:23
Apr 9, 2023 - 19:58
 0  675

Ara, 9 April 2023, (RNI): Governor, Bihar Rajendra Vishwanath Arlekar inaugurated a one day 21st free Mega Health Camp and Blood Donation Camp organized jointly by Lions Club, Indian Medical Association, Rotary Club, Indian Red Cross Society, Chamber of Commerce, Jain, Marwadi, Vaishya Samaj on the campus of Gayan Jyoti Residential Public School, Bampali by lighting ceremonial candle. The Governor was given ‘Guard of Honour’ on his arrival. Bhojpur district administration made elaborate security arrangement in view of arrival of governor and police forces with magistrates were deputed from Ara to Bampali en-route to Gyan Jyoti Public School. Bhojpur District Magistrate Raj Kumar and the SP Pramod Kumar Yadav along with senior police officials were present on the occasion. Students of the school sang welcome note.

Doctors with their teams from Ruban Memorial Hospital, Sri Sai Lions Netryalay, ESIC Hospital, Shivam Nursing Home, Udyana Hospital, Paras Hospital, S S Hospital (Cancer), Siddhi Hospital, Vijay Hospital and Trauma Centre, ASGIPMCHNMCH, Indira Gandhi Ayurvigyan Sansthan, Patna, Medica Heart Insitutute, Akhil Bharatiya Ayurvigyan Sansthan, Phulwarisarif, Health Heaven Mediversal Hospital, Chandawa, Hi Tech Hospital, Patna and Ara Sadar Hospital participated in the camp and also volunteered their services. Besides, Allopathic, Homeopathic, Unani and Ayurvedic doctors were present in the camp. Medicines were distributed among the patients free of cost. People were very much enthusiastic in donation of blood. In addition to it, ECG, Sytca, Gout, BMTPFT test facilities were available and experts of physiotherapy and Acupressure and Acupuncture also volunteered their services.

On the other hand, poor people were prevented from entering the spot for medical check up in the camp due to security reason of Governor of Bihar and so this Mega Health Camp proved non-beneficial for the poor who needed it most. Besides, doctors from Patna returned to Patna with the departure of Governor and it was said that they had come here only for their promotion. Most people queued for treatment at the Homeopathic counter where Dr Amir Chand Singh and others seemed sincere towards their patients.

Speaking on the occasion, Governor Rajendra Vishwanath Arlekar appreciated organization of such Mega Health Camp free of cost and said that service to mankind is service to God. He said that there were several occasions for service to humanity but dedicated service to humanity through health one could reach to the last man of the society and it gives inner satisfaction. He added that doctors are regarded as god on earth. He added that talkative persons are many in society but those who believed in work are a few.

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