Bhojpur police solved the mystery of murder of panchayat samiti member at Bhusaula village under Ara Muffassil police station and arrested four persons including the wife and two sons of the deceased. The arrested persons were identified as Devanti Devi, second wife of the deceased, his two sons Suraj Kumar, Dheeraj Kumar and another Suraj Kumar.

Mar 17, 2023 - 21:58
Mar 18, 2023 - 00:44
 0  621

Ara, 17 March 2023, (RNI): Bhojpur police solved the mystery of murder of panchayat samiti member at Bhusaula village under Ara Muffassil police station and arrested four persons including the wife and two sons of the deceased. The arrested persons were identified as Devanti Devi, second wife of the deceased, his two sons Suraj Kumar, Dheeraj Kumar and another Suraj Kumar.

Bhojpur SP Pramod Kumar Yadav said that member of Gothhula panchayat Ward No 2, Brijbhan Sah 52 son of late Sakaldeep Sah of Bhushula village. He was kidnapped when he was going to attend a marriage ceremony on March 12, 2023 and later his body was found buried on the bank of a canal of the village. He had some land dispute with his second wife and her sons. The SP said that three persons were found guilty of murder and one person was found guilty of conspiracy. Police are conducting raids to arrest the rest miscreant.

He said that Brijbhan Sah had two wives-Sheela Devi and Devanti Devi. He had four daughters Rinki, Pinki, Santoshi and Savita and a son Bijay Kumar with his first wife Sheela Devi and two sons Dheeraj Kumar and Suraj Kumar with his second wife Devanti Devi. He lived with his first wife in a separate house in the village. He had divided his property between two wives in equal proportion and kept with his three bighas of land for the marriage of his daughters. But his second wife sold out the land. As he got information, he had applied in the registry office of cancel the registration of land. That was the bone of contention in between him and his second wife Devanti Devi who hatched conspiracy and with the help of her sons Dheeraj Kumar and Suraj Kumar and two others to eliminate Brijbhan Sah. They got opportunity on March 12, 2023 when Brijbhan Sah was going to attend a marriage ceremony they kidnapped him and took him to a school campus where they killed him. Later they dragged the body to the bank of a canal where they buried the body. Next day, the villagers and family members searched for him and found blood stains. They exhumed the body and informed the police. Later the police brought the body to the Ara Sadar Hospital for postmortem and an FIR was lodged with the police under Ara Muffassil police station in this regard. After institution of FIR, the SP formed a police team that following mobile surveillance and scientific research, arrested Devanti Devi, her sons Suraj Kumar and Dheeraj Kumar and also another Suraj Kumar who during interrogation confessed that they had killed Brijbhan Sah merely for land.

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