Bhojpur police seized 439 cartons of India Made Foreign Liquor (IMFL), a truck, a pick-up Van and 300 cartons of pears from two different places under Bihia police station in Bhojpur district. The police also arrested two liquor smugglers while two other escaped from the scene.

Aug 24, 2024 - 15:49
Aug 24, 2024 - 16:11
 0  405

ARA (RNI) Bhojpur police seized 439 cartons of India Made Foreign Liquor (IMFL), a truck, a pick-up Van and 300 cartons of pears from two different places under Bihia police station in Bhojpur district. The police also arrested two liquor smugglers while two other escaped from the scene. Named FIR has been lodged with the police in this regard against the arrested liquor smugglers under the New Excise Act and the police sent them to jail after interrogation. Police are also conducting raids to arrest the rest liquor smugglers.

SHO Bihia police station Rajesh Malakar said that he got information that some liquor smugglers were going to Patna from Buxar with IMFL in a truck. He at once swung into action and launched vehicle checking drive near Doghara village under Bihia police station on Buxar-Ara NH-922. Meanwhile a truck from Buxar came and when the police signaled to stop, two liquor smugglers on the truck stopped the truck at some distance and jumped out of the truck andn escaped leaving the truck and IMFL loaded on the truck behind. When the police searched, the police seized 300 cartons of pears and 355 cartons of IMFL kept behind the cartons of pears. The SHO said that police seized 6658 bottles of IMFL packed in 355 cartons worth about Rs. 32 lakh. The police also two mobiles from the truck fitted with GPS. He further said that an FIR has been lodged with the police under Bihia police station in this regard against the truck owner and process of auction of the seized fruits has been initiated.

In another incident, the police, acting on a tip off, caught a Pick-UP van from near the north end of the Rail Over Bridge under Bihia police station in Bhojpur district when it was on way to Bihia Chaurasta from Jagdishpur and when searched, the police recovered 104 cartons of IMFL and arrested two liquor smugglers. The arrested liquor smugglers were identified as Shailesh Kumar son of Dharmveer Prasad of Gawalbira village under Karay Parasurai police station in Nalanda district and Bir Kumar son of Ram Prasad Yadav of Saidpur village under Salimpur police station in Patna district.

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