Bhojpur police recovered bodies of two youth from a pond near Chacharia village under Narayanpur police station on Ara-Arwal main road and brought them to the Ara Sadar Hospital for postmortem. The police also recovered their motorcycle from the pond near the bodies, a cutter from the packet of Roushan Kumar and a fighter from the packet of Rajnish Kumar and also their mobiles.

Oct 15, 2024 - 16:09
Oct 15, 2024 - 16:59
 0  297

ARA (RNI) Bhojpur police recovered bodies of two youth from a pond near Chacharia village under Narayanpur police station on Ara-Arwal main road and brought them to the Ara Sadar Hospital for postmortem. The police also recovered their motorcycle from the pond near the bodies, a cutter from the packet of Roushan Kumar and a fighter from the packet of Rajnish Kumar and also their mobiles. The deceased were identified as Roushan Kumar 25 of Bartiyar village under Sandesh police station and Rajnish Kumar.18 of Kharaicha village under Gadhani police station in Bhojpur district. Presently both lived lived at Anand Nagar under Ara town police station. Roushan Kumar was a student of Graduation while Rajnish was a student of Intermediate.

Santosh Kumar father of one of the deceased Roushan Kumar said that Prakash Rai son of Mukesh Rai of Ekwari village under Sandehs police station had called Roushan Kumar on mobile and he along with his friend Rajnish Kumar went there in the evening on October 12, 2024 but they did not return home. Though Roushan Kumar had talked in the late evening the same day that he and Rajnish Kumar were at Ekwari village and they would return very soon but after that no contact could be established. When he was going to Dehari-on-Sone, his friend informed that body of Roushan Kumar was found from a pond at Chawaria village under Narayanpur police station and when he reached there, he was shocked to see the body of his son. Likewise, Gyanti Devi mother of another deceased Rajnish Kumar said that Prakash Rai called her son and Roushan and killed them after thrashing and later threw their bodies into a pond at Chawaria village to erase evidence. Rajnish Kumar had also talked his mother in the night and had assured her to return home at the earliest. Both Santosh Kimar and Gyanti Devi blamed Prakash Rai for killing their sons.

SHO Narayanpur police station Rakesh Kumar rushed to the spot along with a team of Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL) and started investigating the matter. An FIR has been lodged with the police under Narayanpur police station is this regard and the police are conducting raids to arrest the miscreants.

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