Bhojpur police fished out two bodies from a water-filed ditched at Ekwari village under Sahar police station in Bhojpur district and brought it to the Ara Sadar Hospital for postmortem.

Aug 22, 2024 - 16:35
Aug 22, 2024 - 17:10
 0  378

ARA (RNI) Bhojpur police fished out two bodies from a water-filed ditched at Ekwari village under Sahar police station in Bhojpur district and brought it to the Ara Sadar Hospital for postmortem. The deceased were identified as Suman Devi 25 and her daughter Shivani Kumari 9. A named FIR was lodged with the police under Sahar police station in Bhojpur district in this regard against four persons including the husband, brother-in-charge and father-in-law of a deceased on the statement of the brother of the deceased Sanjeet Yadav.

Quoting the FIR the SHO Sahar police station Deepak Kumar said that Suman Devi of Bhikhampur village under Chauri police station was married to Shiv Narayan Singh of Ekwari village under Sahar police station in Bhojpur district and she had two daughters Shivani Kumari 9 and Saloni Kumari 5 and a son Shivam Kumar 3 with the marriage. Since the marriage her in-laws tortured her for a motorcycle and a gold chain. Meanwhile, Suman Devi begot two daughters and a son. The in-laws always thrash her. On Rakshabandhan Day on August 19, 2024, Sanjeet Kumar had come to Ekwari village and in his presence, Shiv Narayan Singh thrashed his wife but Sanjeet Yadav somehow hushed up the matter. The same night the in-laws killed Suman Devi and Shivani Kumari and threw their bodied into the water filled ditch in the village. In the morning, the villagers saw the bodies floating on the water and fished them out and also informed the police.

The villagers said that Shiv Narayan Singh is a habituated drunkard and he always thrashed his wife.

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