Bhojpur police arrested two miscreants from Chakia village under Doriganj police station in connection with loot from a truck driver and sent them to jail. The arrested miscreants were identified as Sanjay Kumar alias Bittu Kumar son of Vinogi Kumar and Bittu Kumar son of Kamta Rai of Chakia village under Doriganj police station.

Jun 29, 2024 - 13:50
Jun 29, 2024 - 15:23
 0  675

ARA (RNI) Bhojpur police arrested two miscreants from Chakia village under Doriganj police station in connection with loot from a truck driver and sent them to jail. The arrested miscreants were identified as Sanjay Kumar alias Bittu Kumar son of Vinogi Kumar and Bittu Kumar son of Kamta Rai of Chakia village under Doriganj police station.

Bhojpur SP Pramod Kumar Yadav said that some armed miscreants had looted a truck driver of Afjal Ansari of Dhuria Imaliya village of Kushinagar district in February 12, 2023 near Chhoti Babura Bridge under Badahara police station in Bhojpur district and the police had arrested a miscreant with firearms at that time. An FIR was lodged with the police under Badahara police station against eight persons of Saran district on the statement of the driver. After institution of FIR, he formed a police team under the SDPO-2 Ranjeet Kumar Singh and the police team was conducting raids to arrest the miscreants. Meanwhile, the police arrested two miscreants Bittu Kumar and Sanjay Kumar alias Bittu Kumar from Chakia village. The police are still conducting raids to arrest the rest miscreants.

It may be mentioned here that Abdul Ansari was to Koelwar with his truck in the night on February 12, 2023 to load sand when at least eight armed miscreants intercepted him and snatched cash, mobile, ATM and driving license and other articles from his at pistol point and escaped from the scene. Later an FIR was lodged with the police under Badahara police station against eight persons on the statement of the driver and the police arrested one of the miscreants at that time.

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