Bhojpur police, acting on a tip off arrested three miscreants in connection with looting a delivery boy and sent them to jail after interrogation. The arrested miscreants were identified as Akhay Kumar of Sultanpur village, Anup Kumar of Madura village under Gadhani police station in Bhojpur district and Raj Kumar of Bahtutiya village under Kochas police station in Rohtas district.

Jun 26, 2024 - 15:04
Jun 26, 2024 - 16:52
 0  324

Ara (RNI) Bhojpur police, acting on a tip off arrested three miscreants in connection with looting a delivery boy and sent them to jail after interrogation. The arrested miscreants were identified as Akhay Kumar of Sultanpur village, Anup Kumar of Madura village under Gadhani police station in Bhojpur district and Raj Kumar of Bahtutiya village under Kochas police station in Rohtas district. 

ASP Parichay Kumar said that some armed miscreants had looted a motorcycle, about Rs. 4000 in cash and shipment from a delivery boy Pramod Kumar of Flipcart company near Ghutur Ke Dera under Jagdishpur police station in Bhojpur district on June 14, 2024. The delivery is a resident of Chhotaki Sasaram under Udwantnagar police station in Bhojpur district. The delivery boy Pramod Kumar lodged an FIR with the police under Jagdishpur police station in this regard. After institution of FIR the police swung into action and he formed a police team under the SHO Jagdishpur police station Jayant Prakash. The police team acting on local input and technical sources identified the miscreants and arrested them from their houses in night and also recovered two mobiles snatched from the delivery boy. Police also queried about the looted motorcycle and articles.

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