Bhojpur police arrested a teacher cum CPI-ML leader from Manichhapara village under Badahara police station in Bhojpur and sent him to jail after interrogation in connection with outraging modesty of a minor girl. The arrested person was identified as Mohammad Amrul alias Hana Mian son of late Liyakat Hussain of Ramsagar village under Badahara police station.

Aug 10, 2024 - 17:04
Aug 10, 2024 - 17:58
 0  243

Ara (RNI) Bhojpur police arrested a teacher cum CPI-ML leader from Manichhapara village under Badahara police station in Bhojpur and sent him to jail after interrogation in connection with outraging modesty of a minor girl. The arrested person was identified as Mohammad Amrul alias Hana Mian son of late Liyakat Hussain of Ramsagar village under Badahara police station.

SHO Badahara police station Sanjay Kumar said that Mohammad Amrul alias Hana Mian ran a private school at Mani Chhapara under Badara police station. He called a seven year old girl to his institute on the pretext of tuition and outraged her modesty. The mother of the girl gave a written petition to the Badahara police station and lodged a named FIR against the owner of the private school. She also demanded harshest punishment for the teacher and rapist. The SHO further said that after institution of FIR, he immediately swung into action and arrested the teacher and sent him to jail after interrogation. He stated that he brought the girl to the Ara Sadar Hospital for medical examination and also produced her in the Ara Civil Court to get her statement registered under section 164 CrPC.

On the other hand the mother of the girl said that Mohammad Amrul alian Hana Khan had purchased some land at Manichhapara village under Badahara police station and started a private school. He also had started coaching centre on the campus of the school where her seven year old daughter also goes for coaching. She stated that on August 5, 2024, he called her daughter before time and outraged her modesty. Next day when she asked her daughter to go to the coaching centre, she started weeping and also narrated her ordeal. When she contacted the teacher to know the fact about the incident, he called her with the girl to his coaching centre but she did not go there and lodged a named FIR with the police under Badahara police station in this regard.

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