Bhojpur police arrested a naxalite from Agiaw Bazaar and sent him to jail after interrogation. The arrested naxalite was identified as Mukhia Paswan of Agiaw Bazaar. A number of criminal cases are pending against him in Agaiw and Charpokhari police stations against him. The police arrested him in connection with laying of a landmine to kill policemen by digging a pit under the eastern culvert from the railway line on Charpokhari-Kathrai main road under Charpokhari police station about nine years ago in the year 2015.

May 8, 2024 - 18:29
May 8, 2024 - 19:32
 0  648

ARA (RNI) Bhojpur police arrested a naxalite from Agiaw Bazaar and sent him to jail after interrogation. The arrested naxalite was identified as Mukhia Paswan of Agiaw Bazaar. A number of criminal cases are pending against him in Agaiw and Charpokhari police stations against him. The police arrested him in connection with laying of a landmine to kill policemen by digging a pit under the eastern culvert from the railway line on Charpokhari-Kathrai main road under Charpokhari police station about nine years ago in the year 2015.

SDPO (Probation) Kanhaiya Kumar said that the police got information that a dreaded naxalite has taken shelter at Agaiaw Bazaar and are hatching plan to commit crime. He at once formed a police team under him and the police team conducted raids at several places and arrested Mukhia Paswan from Agiaw Bazaar. He said that three criminal cases are pending with the police under Charpokhari police station and two criminal cases are pending under Agaiaw Bazaar police station against him.

He said that on July 2, 2025, a landmine was laid by digging a pit under the eastern culvert from the railway line on Charpokhari-Kathrai main road under Charpokhari police station to kill policemen but the police foiled their bid on time and lives of policemen were saved.

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