Bhojpur police arrested two miscreants from near Paharpur Canal on Agiaw-Bankat road under Gadhani police station when they were planning to commit some crime and seized one country made pistol, three live cartridges, 2.100 gram of ganja and a motorcycle from them. The police arrested them in connection with firing at a sweetmeat shop “Gokul Sweets” at Gadhani Bazaar on April 26, 2024.

May 3, 2024 - 19:56
May 3, 2024 - 20:04
 0  378

Ara (RNI) Bhojpur police arrested two miscreants from near Paharpur Canal on Agiaw-Bankat road under Gadhani police station when they were planning to commit some crime and seized one country made pistol, three live cartridges, 2.100 gram of ganja and a motorcycle from them. The police arrested them in connection with firing at a sweetmeat shop “Gokul Sweets” at Gadhani Bazaar on April 26, 2024. The arrested miscreants were identified as Vikas Yadav son of Vinay Yadav of Badaura village and Bhim Yadav of Dularpur Tola of Semrao. Later the police sent them to jail after interrogation.

Bhojpur SP Neeraj Kumar said that he got information that some armed miscreants were hatching plan to commit crime near Paharpur Canal on Agiaw-Bankat main road under Gadhani police station. He at once formed a police team under the SHO Gadhani police station Ranvir Kumar that conducted raid near Paharpur Canal and arrested both the miscreants with a country made pistol, three live cartridges, one motorcycle and over two kilograms of ganja. The SP said that Vikas Kumar and Bhin Yadav have criminal background. Vikas Kumar is wanted in six criminal cases whereas Bhim Yadav is wanted in three criminal cases. They had been in jail in connection with firing at a sweetmeat shop in the year 2018 and again they tried to kill the shop owner by firing at the sweetmeat shop at Gadhani Bazaar on April 26, 2024 and escaped from the scene. The miscreants were threatening the owner of the sweetmeat shop with dire consequences to withdraw the case.

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