Bhojpur police, acting on a tip off, arrested three miscreants from near Hanuman temple under Ara Nawada police station and recovered a country made pistol, live cartridges, one dagger, one looted motorcycle and five mobiles from their possession. They were also wanted in connection with loot from a gunman of a cash van.

Feb 12, 2023 - 01:27
Feb 12, 2023 - 01:56
 0  621

Ara, 11 February 2023, (RNI): Bhojpur police, acting on a tip off, arrested three miscreants from near Hanuman temple under Ara Nawada police station and recovered a country made pistol, live cartridges, one dagger, one looted motorcycle and five mobiles from their possession. They were also wanted in connection with loot from a gunman of a cash van. 

Bhojpur SP Pramod Kumar Yadav said that Jai Nandan Chaudhary was going to his native village Sudhani under Udwantnagar police station from Ara on his motorcycle on January 31, 2023 in the late evening and when he reached near Panchayat Bhawan, motorcycle borne unidentified armed miscreants intercepted and snatched his motorcycle on pistol point. An FIR was lodged with the police under Udwantnagar police station in this regard. The SP formed police team under the ASP Himanshu. The police team following mobile surveillance and confidential information, arrested three miscreants from near Hanuman temple under Ara Nawada police station and recovered a country made pistol, live cartridges, dagger, looted motorcycle and five mobiles from their possession. The arrested miscreants were  identified as Md Zaveer son of Md Haroon Rashid of Tribhuwani under Krishnagarh police station, Chandan Singh son of Pawan Kumar Singh of Sohara village under Krishnagarh police station and Rupesh Kumar son of Bhuletan Sah of Bhedia village under Ara Muffassil  police station in Bhojpur district.

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