-Bhojpur police acting on a tip off arrested three miscreants in connection with loot of silver worth about lakhs of rupees and cash from a jewelry shop owner when he was returning home after closing his shop at Devradh villager under Tier police station in Bhojpur district about a fortnight ago. The police also recovered 2800 gramS of silver, three mobiles and Rs. 1500 in cash from them.

Sep 30, 2023 - 14:51
Sep 30, 2023 - 15:29
 0  270

ARA- (RNI) Bhojpur police acting on a tip off arrested three miscreants in connection with loot of silver worth about lakhs of rupees and cash from a jewelry shop owner when he was returning home after closing his shop at Devradh villager under Tier police station in Bhojpur district about a fortnight ago. The police also recovered 2800 gramS of silver, three mobiles and Rs. 1500 in cash from them. The arrested miscreants were identified as Chhotu Yadav of Basudhar village under Jagdishpur police station, Gopal Singh of Srinagar village under Ayar police station and Amit Sonar of Narayanpur village under the same police station.

Bhojpur SP Pramod Kumar Yadav said that Ashok Soni along with his son was going to his native village on a motorcycle after closing his jewelry shop at Devradh village under Tier police station on September 15, 2023 in the evening. He was carrying several jewelries made of silver with him. Meanwhile, three armed miscreants waylaid near Mahadev Chowk under Dhangai police station and intercepted Ashok Soni and snatched bag full of silver jewelries at pistol point and escaped with the booty. Later an FIR was lodged with the police under Dhangai police station on the statement of Ashok Soni. After institution of FIR the SP formed a police team to arrest the miscreants. The police team on the basis of technical research and arrested three miscreants involved in the loot. The SP stated that Amit Soni had purchased some goods with looted silver.

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