-Bhojpur police arrested a miscreant from near Hanuman Temple at K G Road under Nawada police station in Bhojpur district and sent him to jail in connection with murder of Abhishek Kumar alias Angad 25 son of Birendra Rai of Babu Bazaar Charpulawa under Ara town police station.

Mar 16, 2024 - 16:25
Mar 16, 2024 - 17:51
 0  351

Ara (RNI) Bhojpur police arrested a miscreant from near Hanuman Temple at K G Road under Nawada police station in Bhojpur district and sent him to jail in connection with murder of Abhishek Kumar alias Angad 25 son of Birendra Rai of Babu Bazaar Charpulawa under Ara town police station. The arrested miscreant was identified as Sanjeet Rai alias Prince alias Sadhu son of Upendra Rai of Ojhawalia village under Karnamepur police station in Bhojpur district. The deceased worked as a private employee at PWD water tank at Ramana Maidan.

ASP Parichay Kumar said that someone called Abhishek Kumar alias Angad on mobile and asked him to come to near Garaiya Math at Sobhi Dumara village on Sinha-Ara main road under Ara Muffassil police station and when he went there on motorcycle, the miscreants pumped four bullets into his body and escaped from the scene on February 4, 2024 night. The villagers rushed him to the Ara Sadar Hospital but he succumbed to his injuries on way to the hospital. An FIR was lodged with the police under Ara Muffassil police station in this regard on the statement of Harendra Kumar, elder brother of the deceased. The ASP stated that two miscreants had already been arrested and sent to jail and Sanjeet Kumar, the main shooter was arrested now and sent to jail in the murder of Angad who was to be married at Deoaar village under Sandesh police station on March 2, 2024.

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