Bhojpur police arrested four named accused including the main accused in connection with outraging modesty of a teenage girl in a village under Krishangarh police station. The arrested miscreants were identified as Bholu Kumar, Md. Anarash son of Abubakar Mian, Md. Izrail son of late Md. Tega Mian, Md Zakir son of Israyil. 

Aug 20, 2024 - 19:30
Aug 20, 2024 - 21:00
 0  243

ARA (RNI) Bhojpur police arrested four named accused including the main accused in connection with outraging modesty of a teenage girl in a village under Krishangarh police station. The arrested miscreants were identified as Bholu Kumar, Md. Anarash son of Abubakar Mian, Md. Izrail son of late Md. Tega Mian, Md Zakir son of Israyil. 

Bhojpur SP Pramod Kumar Yadav said that a teenage girl had gone to field in a village under Krishnagarh police station in Bhojpur district in the late evening on August 18, 2024 to attend call of nature when a youth lifted her on his shoulder and took her to a secluded place and outraged her modesty under the cover of darkness and escaped from the spot. When the incident took place, her mother was cooking in the house while her father was at an electric shop in the village. The girl somehow returned home bleeding and narrated her woes to her family members. The family members informed the police regarding the incident and a named FIR against four persons was lodged with the police under Krishnagarh police station on the statement of the family members of the girl under section 65(2), 351(2), 61(2), 191(2), 249(1) BNS-2023 and 4/6 POCSO Act. The SP said that after institution of FIR, he formed a police team under the DSP, Ara 2 Ranjeet Kumar Singh and the police following technical resources and evidences, arrested four named accused. Later the police sent them to jail after interrogation.  

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