Bhojpur police, acting on a tip off, arrested an imposter Sub-Inspector red handed realizing money from trucks in police uniform near Kolharampur Petrol Pump under Badahara police station on Koelwar-Doriganj main road in Bhojpur district.The police also seized police uniform, money and car.

Apr 10, 2024 - 16:14
 0  243




ARA----------------------------Bhojpur police, acting on a tip off, arrested an imposter Sub-Inspector red handed realizing money from trucks in police uniform near Kolharampur Petrol Pump under Badahara police station on Koelwar-Doriganj main road in Bhojpur district.The police also seized police uniform, money and car. The arrested imposter SI was identified as Abhinay Kumar 46 son of Anil Kumar of Ekama village under the same police station in Saran district though his name is mentioned as Abhinay Kumar son of Anil Kumar of Hardhan Vasu Lane, Bhagwan Bazaar, Chhapara is mentioned on his Adhar Card. It is also a matter of investigation. A named FIR has been lodged with the arrested imposter and the police sent him to jail after interrogation.

SDPO-2 Ranjeet Kumar Singh said that the Badahara police station police were on night patrolling at Kolharampur area under Badahara police station in Bhojpur district when they noticed person in police uniform who was realizing money from the truck drivers. The police took the imposter SI in police uniform in custody and interrogated him and also queried about the names of officers of his batch mate but he could not tell anything and it was detected during investigation that he was an imposter.

The SDPO stated that the imposter SI was realizing money illegally from the sand laden trucks for the last several months. The police had also information about it and the police were searching for him. And at last the police arrested him red handed realizing money illegally from the truck drivers near Kolharampur Petrol Pump under Badahara police station on Koelwar-Doriganj main road in Bhojpur district and recovered Rs. 1700 in cash, Adhar Card, PAN Card, one Nexus Car with police logo, RC card, SI’s uniform, blue cap with Bihar Police batch, name plate in uniform, two soldier batches with two stars on them etc. from him.

The SDPO-2 said that during illegal extortion, the imposter used to bulldoze even the police officers and threatened them to make their audios and videos viral on social media. The police had been receiving complaints about this for several days. During interrogation, Abhinay Kumar told the police that he had been doing this work for the last six months and after strengthening his system completely, he used to maintain his influence over the truck driver and police administration also. In the night, he, in the uniform of an SI, hunts in the areas like Chhapara road, Jai Prakash Narayan Bridge, Babura, Koelwar, Chandi Sand Ghat etc. His main job was to work of passing trucks laden with sand. With the arrest of the imposter SI, the police heaved a sigh of relief.

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