Bhojpur police arrested Rambhu Chaudhary son of Yamuna Chaudhary of Moti Tola under Ara town police station, driver of the owner of the petrol pump Sushant Kumar Jain in connection with loot of about Rs. 5 lakh from the Petrol Pump owner and exchange of firing in between the police and the miscreants. Rambhu Chaudhary had sent the miscreants location of the owner prior to the incident on WhatsApp.

May 12, 2023 - 17:14
May 12, 2023 - 18:27
 0  432

Ara, 12 May 2023, (RNI): Bhojpur police arrested Rambhu Chaudhary son of Yamuna Chaudhary of Moti Tola under Ara town police station, driver of the owner of the petrol pump Sushant Kumar Jain in connection with loot of about Rs. 5 lakh from the Petrol Pump owner and exchange of firing in between the police and the miscreants. Rambhu Chaudhary had sent the miscreants location of the owner prior to the incident on WhatsApp.

Sushant Kumar Jain son of Rishabh Kumar Jain, owner of Vinayak Petrol Pump at Katira locality under Nawada police station at Ara, had gone to the State Bank of India Aranaya Devi Mirganj branch near Arya Samaj Mandir beside the Ara town police station to deposit money. He board down his Bolero at the gate of the band and as he proceeded towards the gate of the bank, a masked boy in black attire came and snatched the bag with money at pistol point and escaped. Sushant Kumar Jain raised alarm and the cross mobile police who were there on duty, chased the miscreants on motorcycle. Taking advantage of melee, aides of hardcore miscreants Taz Ali escaped on two opposite direction. Meanwhile, police force from Ara town police station led by the SHO, reached there but the miscreants had fled away and hid in the bush at Bind Toli locality under Ara town police station. When the police reached there, the miscreants fired on police force injuring a police constable Arjun Kumar son of Ram Badan Mandal of Kantpura under Ram Nagar police station in Munger district. He was posted at the Ara town police station at Ara. The police retaliated in the same manner in which one of the miscreants Md Taz son of Qyum Kapil Shah of Nazirganj locality under Ara town police station. The police arrested him and also recovered the bag with money. The injured police constable was admitted to a private nursing home while the injured miscreant was admitted to the Ara Sadar Hospital. At least two dozen rounds were fired from police and the miscreants.

Bhojpur SP Pramod Kumar Yadav said that Rambhu Chaudhary of Moti Tola under Ara town police station was employed as driver of the owner of the petrol pump about a year ago and he had planned to loot money. He said that the arrested miscreants Md Taz revealed the fact. Md Taz revealed that Rambhu Chaudhary informed him that the owner of the Petrol Pump, Sushant Kumar Jain was going to the State Bank of India near Arya Samaj Mandir beside the Ara town police station on the Bolero to deposit money. He sent his location from Katira Petrol Pump to the Arya Samaj Mandir on his WhatsApp to the miscreants. The SP further said that Md Taz revealed the names of his associates and the police are conducting raids to arrest them and added that even the miscreants were captured in the CCTV camera. He said that Md Taz a professional criminal and over half a dozen criminal cases including murder are pending against him in the Ara town police station and police were searching for him.

The SP added that a three member committee of the Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL) from Patna arrived at the incident site and collected evidences and had a discussion with the SP.

Sushant Kumar Jain said that he had employed Rambhu Chaudhary his driver about 10 years ago but later removed him though he was once again employed driver about a year ago. He further said that he had also fired on the fleeing miscreant with bag of money with his licensee pistol but he missed the target. He said that he had come to the bank to deposit about Rs. 5 lakh but the miscreant snatched the bag though the police later recovered the money.

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