Bhojpur police arrested a miscreant from his house at Raghutola under Ara town police station in connection with snatching from two police constables of Patna Janmjey Kumar and Prakesh Kumar near Gyanpur Bridge under Guddha police outpost on Ara-Patna main road in Bhojpur district last year when they were returning from a marriage ceremony.

Jun 15, 2023 - 19:08
Jun 15, 2023 - 19:41
 0  432

Ara, 15 June 2023, (RNI): Bhojpur police arrested a miscreant from his house at Raghutola under Ara town police station in connection with snatching from two police constables of Patna Janmjey Kumar and Prakesh Kumar near Gyanpur Bridge under Guddha police outpost on Ara-Patna main road in Bhojpur district last year when they were returning from a marriage ceremony. The arrested miscreant was identified as Golu Kumar son of late Dharmpal Yadav of Raghutola under Ara town police station. Later the police sent him to jail after interrogation.

Bhojpur SP Pramod Kumar Yadav said that Janmjey Kumar and Prakesh Kumar, constables were posted in Patna. They had gone to Pipara Jaipal village under Ara Muffassil police station on June 12, 2022 to attend marriage ceremony of his friend’s sister. After the marriage, he along with another constable, Prakesh Kumar was returning Patna on a car. The speed of the car was slow as the road near Gyanpur/Dhanupura under Ara town police station was miserable. In the meantime, about 10 armed miscreants gheraoed the car and threatened them with dire consequences at pistol point. The miscreants snatched their mobiles, ATM card, Credit Card, PAN card, police I-card and Rs.7000 in cash. They escaped somehow but the miscreants chased them despite.

The SP said that during interrogation, Golu Kumar confessed his involvement in the loot case and also disclosed names of his associates. Police are conducting raids to arrest the rest miscreants on the basis of revelation of Golu Kumar.

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