District Election Officer (DEO) cum District Magistrate (DM), Bhojpur, Mahendra Kumar started a campaign to review the preparation work done so far assembly wife for the cent percent implementation of the Parliamentary Elections as per the guidelines of the Election Commission of India. In this series, the preparation work done so far by the Assistant Returning Officer (ARO) for the Parliamentary Elections at the polling stations falling in 192-Sandesh Assembly Constituency in Koelwar was reviewed. All the Sector Magistrates of Sandesh Assembly Constituency along with the nodal officers and senior officers of all the cells formed for the Parliamentary Elections at the district levels were present.

Apr 21, 2024 - 15:29
 0  378




ARA-----------------------------District Election Officer (DEO) cum District Magistrate (DM), Bhojpur, Mahendra Kumar started a campaign to review the preparation work done so far assembly wife for the cent percent implementation of the Parliamentary Elections as per the guidelines of the Election Commission of India. In this series, the preparation work done so far by the Assistant Returning Officer (ARO) for the Parliamentary Elections at the polling stations falling in 192-Sandesh Assembly Constituency in Koelwar was reviewed. All the Sector Magistrates of Sandesh Assembly Constituency along with the nodal officers and senior officers of all the cells formed for the Parliamentary Elections at the district levels were present.

The DM said that the Parliamentary Elections have to be conducted in a violence-free, free and fair manner and there should be no laxity in the preparations for this. He said that all the Sector Magistrates will ensure whether basis facilities are available at all the polling stations falling in their respective areas. If basic facilities are not available, they should be made available in time. After identifying vulnerable and sensitive polling stations, they should also start giving reports of their respective areas. DM asked the SDO that till now preventive action has been initiated against how many people in the Sub-Division area. The SDO said that the preventive action has been taken against 9000 people under Section 107 on the report of the SHOs of the police stations out of which about 7000 people have come to the Sub-Divisional Court and put down their bonds. In the next phase on April 22, 2024, the DM will review the work progress made so far in 193-Badahara Assembly Constituency.  

The DM also visited the Bazaar Samiti premises and took stock of the work of counting of votes and Vajragriha of Ara Parliamentary Constituency has been mde in the courtyard of the Bazaar Samiti. The work of sending the polling team to the booths of 192 Sandesh Assembly Constituency will also be done from the dispatch centre located in the Bazaar Samiti premises. The DM and the SP along with other officials reviewed the security preparations and the availability of space for the actions. The DM also gave guidelines related to the security of Vajra Griha and the Security of vote counting work so that the preparation of the counting venue and Vajra griha can be ensured as per the standards of the Election Commission of India.

The DM focused on the following points particularly.

Physical verification of the booths should be done by the Sector Magistrate, Police Officer and Magistrate. Toilets, drinking water arrangement at all booths, seating arrangement, furniture arrangement. If there is no arrangement for furniture, arrange for it by tagging it with another school. Provision of ramps, sheds for the disabled, emphasis on the need for vulnerable mapping, if anyone is prevented from voting, inform him about 107 action. Apart from this, Sector Magistrates and Sector Police Officers should make daily attendance in the police station. Dropping the sector officers from the dispatch center to the booth, giving the remaining percentage to the control room, apart from this, C and D should be deposited by the sector officers in the warehouse, if there is any factor having arms license, depositing those arms in the police station, making arrangements for food on the election day by the cook. Those booths which are not connected to the road and vehicles cannot be used for commuting are considered critical and paramilitary forces will be deployed there. Creation of control rooms at block level.

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